Wednesday, September 6, 2006

My Best Show!

OK, For those of you who don't know me in person, sarcasm is somewhat a way of life for me. It was my "best" show, but really it was my second show, so there wasn't a lot to measure up to.

The day started out raining. Not storming, but a nice rain. When my dad, my son, and I pulled into the show, the rain had stopped. We got the awning up, and I started placing my jewelry on the table. This was a "Music and Arts Festival". My dad left at that time. I'm not sure that he wanted to be seen at an "Arts" event. But he was very helpful putting up the awning, so I did not complain. He even drove back to his house and got the card table that I forgot, so he was a big help.

Throughout the day, it rained on and off, but there was a slow but steady stream of people past my spot. (It was on the way to the bathroom, so several people stopped a few times on their way over there.) I think some even purchased some things on the second or third trip past my spot.

I was very happy with the show. I made more than the entrance fee and had a very good time!! I got to make a custom ring, and a custom dangle. both people were very appreciative of my efforts, so that made me happy.

I will try to get the picture of my spot posted soon. My batteries are almost dead so hopefully I can get the pictures off before the batteries go dead...

Talk to everyone later!!

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