Friday, December 31, 2010

My latest obsession

So my latest addiction/obsession is making these simpler bead embroidery cuff bracelets. My local fabric shop has this awesome range of suede upholstery fabric which is wonderful for beading on. I actually got my cutting mat, ruler and fabric cutter and cut a bunch of blanks. So I'm all ready to go when I get inspiration. I hope you enjoy looking!

My Color Throwdown Cuff

This one is on purple suede and features a resin ring from

This one features greens and yellow. When I was quilting, the worst part of any project was the binding, so I can't believe that I actually bound this cuff. I know remember why I hated doing the binding, but it seemed to fit for this cuff.

If you are interested in any of these cuffs they are listed at my artfire shop.

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