Friday, September 23, 2011

Beads of Clay Giveaway and NOW WHAT!?!

If you are looking for my Bead Soup Blog Party Post click HERE. If you are looking for an awesome giveaway go over to the Beads of Clay blog for a chance to win $150 worth of Goodies. Here is a picture!!
Sooo, if you're here for the Bead Soup Blog Hop see below. Are you like me? I've spent the last month or so, working on my Bead Soup project. I haven't worked on much else since then. Now I have a PROBLEM!! What do I work on now!?! I"ve been looking at my beads, looking at magazines, and I'm really not sure what to work on. I'm hoping to find inspiration soon, because my hands are getting jumpy to get something to work on!!


My Life Under the Bus said...

Oh lol I luckily found a show right away so I had a porpous other wise it is a bit of a let down to make yourself do stuff! You must etch it is totally fun and addictive !!! ( I swear) : )

My Life Under the Bus said...

...UGH I did have a porpous but a purpose hhahahahahaha